Patel Brown Gallery


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Patel Brown Gallery presents a selection of works by Rajni Perera. Perera's energetic and restorative practice communicates complex ideas regarding identity, visual culture, re-invention and person-hood - prompting us to interrogate our collective histories and futures through her multidisciplinary approach.

Perera's objects, environments and figures exist in an ancient and boundless state, illuminating the delicate limbo of hybridity. Perera's work is an unconstrained space where the passage of time, myths, dream worlds and science live, acting as her personal record of impossible discoveries.

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Devan Patel and Gareth Brown-Jowett are proud to announce the formation of a new contemporary art gallery in Toronto: Patel Brown. The newly established gallery will open its physical space, 4000 square feet at 21 Wade Avenue, in summer 2020. Located in the coveted West End, the gallery will be in good company, neighbouring many reputable galleries and museums.

The long-anticipated collaboration between Patel and Brown will benefit from their years of accumulated expertise and network, as well as a long history of friendship and shared vision. Identifying gaps in representation and opportunities, the gallery will strive to offer something new to the larger arts community. Brown states, “Locally, a strong presence in the arts is pivotal: the building block or foundation to any gallery’s success. But to really thrive, the Canadian arts community is in need of gallery spaces that observe new models that also champion international engagement.” Patel Brown Gallery will be guided by these two significant facets: collaboration and community. Given the current challenges presented by COVID-19 Patel and Brown will adapt their visions of community until the public can gather again to celebrate and enjoy art together.