Fabian Lang Gallery


@fabian___lang / info@fabianlang.ch / Future Fair Voices: Fabian Lang / Artsy

Through her work, Makinson creates a vivid transgressive tableaux, weaving together sources as varied as folklore, ecofeminist writing, art history and science fiction. At times, violent, erotic and comical, her multi-layered, tumultuous paintings plunge viewers into eerie, sometimes even absurd, self-contained worlds. In these strange and busy universes, goddesses, witches, hunters, naughty animals, homunculi, plants, diabolic creatures and morphed shadows take part in obscure rituals in the depths of the forest. Beyond their surreal, almost mystical qualities, the scenes remain mischievously grotesque, bursting with colour and sumptuousness.

Sara Anstis uses sensuous pastels to build a fantasy world of mischievous women, where eroticism and empowerment go hand in hand. The predominant concepts that Sara’s works embody are, in her words: “Gendered subjectivity, Eros, humour, colour, personal mythologies, misunderstandings and anthropomorphisms.” These themes are woven together in the pictures among a plethora of otherworldly elements – surreal landscapes, strange creatures and plants – by which Sara’s figures lay claim to female erotic desire, taking unconstrained delight in their bodies, each other and their environments, at a remove from heteronormative and patriarchal societal conditions.

Diverse in palette and composition, Neal Tait’s paintings and drawings explore tensions between the figurative and the abstract, the beautiful and the grotesque, the logical and the absurd. Frequently based on found materials and media such as photographs, magazines and newspapers, his works provide glimpses into a dreamlike parallel universe, one that evokes the rhetorical logic of fairy tales or the absurdist humor of Surrealism.

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